Most Advanced Rife Machine Today

2 min readJan 6, 2023

alternative Healing That Works.

I’m writing to share with you one of the greatest noninvasive alternative Healing that works. I have articles from different perspectives on the creator and his legacy, of this marvelous discovery. I then researched his discovery and how his machine produces “alternative healing” and works quite well. I went through a few testimonials and then made the purchase of the “Most Advanced Rife Machine Today,” We used all of the attachments, and came up with our own conclusions. Then I looked at a couple “skeptical reviews” to see what people were pointing out. I found it to be comical as to what I found. It was a couple different people saying the same things that were said during the smear campaign, which was induced by the pharmaceutical families and government. They wanted no “alternative healing” that worked, in fear it would take away from their capital.

Over 10 videos on using the machine and other content. I have a video that is included; it’s the only proof you need to see it in action, killing 3 different types of cancer. We have over 1,000 verified 5-star star testimonials, of which a few have been included. Links to other information, links to other testing “I created an audible version for each lesson.” There are around 24 Chapters and 38 lessons in this free ecourse. I have links to each attachment as well as the central. I go through the “Scalar Machine” and Radionics; these are absolutely amazing tools and really do what the description says.

I’m not selling anything, but I am sharing for free, and I am asking for donations in $3 increments so that I can devote the time required to run a “newsletter” each month. Providing you with the necessary information regarding the product at hand. They are coming out with more frequencies every month. The main focus of the newsletter will be to keep you up to date on “Healing With Frequency” and related news.

I’m sharing this with you, in hopes that you pass it on, because the more people know about it, the less likely it is that the government or other authorities will try and shut everyone down. The reason they do this is the same as it is in the story I share with you. “Greed & Money & Power” Furthermore, if the treatment is noninvasive and without side effects, I would want the children's parents to be aware that there is an Alternative To Healing That Works.

If you are interested or know someone who has an autoimmune disorder, please email me and I will send you the course. I put all of it into an audible piece as well.

Respectfully, Eli Krebs Email:




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